Unconventional and New Energy SIG: Advanced Multiphysics Surveillance at HFTS-2: Enhancing ... - Oct 5th

Complete Title:  Advanced Multiphysics Surveillance at HFTS-2: Enhancing Characterization of Hydraulic Fracture Height Growth and Parent-Child Well Interference.   Sponsored by TGS


This is a hybrid event.

Meeting Location:
10451 Clay Rd.
Houston, TX 77041

NOTE: You Must Be Logged In to Register

Check-In and Lunch begins at 11:30 am
Meeting presentation will be from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm

Speakers: Zhishuai (Z) Zhang, Chevron Technical Center

Hydraulic stimulation design requires careful consideration of fracture height and parent-child well interference. To better understand the factors that influence these fracture growth behaviors and identify effective surveillance technologies for monitoring them during hydraulic stimulation, we investigated the Multiphysics surveillance data from the Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site 2 (HFTS-2). 

The HFTS-2 is a research project focused on advancing hydraulic fracturing technology in the Delaware Basin area of the Permian Basin. The project aims to improve recovery, lower costs, and minimize environmental impact. With its wealth of diverse datasets, the HFTS-2 provides a unique opportunity to gain insights into many important aspects of hydraulic stimulation design. To understand the vertical growth of hydraulic fractures and parent-child well interference, we analyzed a comprehensive Multiphysics dataset from HFTS-2, including low-frequency DAS, microseismic, geologic information, petrophysics, and image logs. Comparison between fracture height and geological information shows that high stress (calcite rich) layers act as hinder or barrier to the growth of hydraulic fractures. The influence of stress profile on the vertical growth of hydraulic fractures is further verified by numerical modeling with GEOS, an open-source, Multiphysics simulator. Our integrated study also revealed that parent well stimulation and depletion promote elongated and shorter hydraulic fractures during child well stimulation. Furthermore, image logs, microseismic, and low-frequency DAS data provided distinct signatures for the stages that are affected and not affected by the parent well.

To summarize, we conducted an analysis of multiple datasets including low-frequency DAS, microseismic, geological information, petrophysics, and image logs from the HFTS-2 to gain insight into the vertical growth of hydraulic fractures and parent-child well interference. Our integration of these diverse datasets increased our understanding of hydraulic fracture growth and helped to validate various surveillance technologies. 

Speaker Biography: Zhishuai (Z) Zhang, Chevron Technical Center
Zhishuai (Z) Zhang is a research geophysicist at the Chevron Technical Center. Before joining Chevron in 2019, he was a postdoc scholar of the Stanford Rock Physics & Borehole Geophysics Project (SRB) at Stanford University. He received a Ph.D. (2017) in geophysics from the University of California, Berkeley, an M.S. (2012) in petroleum engineering from Texas A&M University, and a B.S. (2010) in physics from Nankai University. His research interests include Multiphysics modeling and inversion, hydraulic fracturing, Low-Frequency Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), carbon sequestration, microseismic, etc.

Price List:

Pre-Registered Late/Walk-Up
Free Free
 Non-Member $10 $10

** Please be aware that ALL registrations must go through 'Checkout', even if your total is zero. Registration is not confirmed until you complete the checkout process.


10/5/2023 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Central Daylight Time

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