Data Proc and Acq SIG: Why Wavefield Imaging of Seismic Data is Superior to Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) -Oct 3rd

This is a Hybrid Event. The meeting will begin at 5:00 PM

Meeting Location:
Capitan Reef Room
10001 Richmond Ave.
Houston, TX 77042

NOTE: You Must Be Logged In to Register.

Speaker: Dr. Norman S. Neidell, Carlton Focus Technologies, LLC

Seismic Reflection Technology is the current premier method for Imaging and gleaning Earth’s Near Surface Information for most applications. Full Waveform Inversion (FWI for short) now the epitome of this methodology, offers the very best   such imaging by including all Velocity Information within the Source Bandwidth and below. Nonetheless, good inquisitive science asks how can we do still better?

A New Branch of Seismic Imaging has been developed and was first recognized   by Professor Enders Robinson shortly before his passing last year. Professor Robinson called it Wavefield Imaging as distinct from Wavelet Treatments. Some of these new calculations can work from existing Information using Reflection Seismic Surveys. Reflection Seismic Holography is one such method. Compressive Sensing, another such method requires Special Field Data Acquisition.

Wavefield Imaging Calculations are not only different, but also image differently. Digital Seismic Holography for example, images Subsurface Relative Reflectivity in user defined Voxels. These Voxels are typically smaller in size than those defined from   Seismic Acquisition Sampling Parameters (usually 1/16 as small). With finer data resampling, low frequency Moveout Velocities also can be determined with greater accuracy. Combining these Two Velocity components produces a Composite Inversion counterpart to an FWI calculation but including no Wavelet and having broader Frequency Band Limits. Band Withs are about 5 times greater up shallow and about 20 greater deeper (perhaps 4 sec.).

Such “Data Rich” results are beyond presentation capabilities of standard Seismic Displays. These “Composite Inversions” require displays having Extended Visual Dynamic Range (EVDR) and we use Distinctive Colors to adequately present their full Information Content. This presentation is scaled in Quantitative Velocity Steps (usually 200 or 400 fps or the metric equivalent) which can be used directly with Well Logs.  No Waveform now blunts or obscures the range of Descriptive Frequencies for such Wavefield Imaging. Results offer far greater Resolution and Interpretive Information than any Full Waveform Inversion (FWI). The method works well also with 2D Seismic Acquisition and as old as 1971. One cautionary note is that the Seismic Survey Data used must have adequate Redundancy to support the Additional Information as Imaged. After a significant number of Projects (many successfully drilled), it appears that Standard Field Practices Now, and Past meet this Criterion.

Speaker Biography: Dr. Norman S. Neidell, Carlton GeoFocus Technologies, LLC

Norman S. Neidell received a B.S. Degree from New York University, a Post Graduate Diploma in applied Geophysics from Imperial College and a Ph. D. in Geodesy and Geophysics from Cambridge University.  He acquired basic experience with Gulf Oil and Seiscom-Delta, and then undertook independent ventures and consulting in 1971. For many years he has been a Consultant in many aspects involving seismic data. Dr. Neidell co-founded GeoQuest International (now part of Petroleum Information) and GeoQuest Systems (now a Schlumberger Company) and Zenith Exploration co. serving as its President and Chief Executive Officer. He co-founded Gandalf Explorers Intl. Ltd., which explored for oil and gas and operated licenses in four Eastern European countries.  He served as a Director and Technical Advisor to MMS Petroleum PLC, a public company in Ireland and the U.K.  He was with Zydeco Energy as Vice President of Technology and an Adjunct professor in the Geology Department of the University of Houston. 

Currently he is President of Carlton Focus Technologies, LLC. and EurAm Geo-Focus Technologies Inc., Companies offering Seismic Wavefield Imaging via Holography   which he developed and patented, to the Oil and Gas industry. That Company is also developing Medical and other applications of this same unique Imaging Technology. He is a Past President and Honorary Member of the Geophysical Society of Houston (GSH), a Distinguished Lecturer for the SEG and an Honorary Life Member, a Past Associate Editor of Geophysics. He lectures in Continuing Education Programs for the AAPG, SEG and SPE as well as for several Universities. Dr. Neidell is a Registered Professional Geophysicist (California), a Professional Geoscientist (Texas) and a Certified Geologist (Arkansas and SIPES).

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Price List:

Pre-Registered Late/Walk-Up


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$10 $10

** Please be aware that ALL registrations must go through the 'Checkout', even if your total is zero. Registration is not confirmed until you complete the checkout process.


10/3/2023 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Central Daylight Time

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