Rock Physics SIG: A New Approach to Microtomographic Images Helps Quantify ... - Oct 4th

Complete Title: A New Approach to Microtomographic Images Helps Quantify Grain Contact Stiffness and Wave-Induced Fluid Flow in the Lab.   Sponsored by Ikon Science.

This is a Hybrid Event, you will still need to pre-register for either in person or online.

NOTE: You Must Be Logged In to Register.

Meeting Location:
GSH Geoscience Center & Museum 
1790 W. Sam Houston Parkway N
Houston TX 77043

Speaker: Dr. Stanislav Glubokovskikh, Energy Geosciences Division (EGD), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The essence of rock physics consists of finding relationships between pore-scale characteristics and elastic properties estimated from field geophysical measurements. For realistic rock microstructures this problem becomes prohibitively complex, so that rock physics analysis often becomes a mere data-fitting limited to either empirical relationships or theoretical models derived for simplistic microstructures like spherical grain packs. High resolution microtomographic images of rock were thought to be a cure that may help increase the predictive power of the rock physics models. However, even with the latest synchrotron-based X-ray tomographic microscopy cannot resolve the soft pores and grain contacts. As a result, digital rock physics simulations are known to significantly overestimate the sandstone stiffness. 

The talk will present one potential approach to overcome this issue. Instead of trying to ‘resolve’ the contacts directly, we invert their geometry and properties from a set of core measurements. To this end, we study the pressure-sensitivity of the seismic properties for varying viscosity/compressibility of saturating fluids. When augmented by a nuclear-magnetic resonance and nanoindentation tests, these measurements enable a simultaneous inversion of the minerals’ and contacts’ stiffness. The inversion itself involves a few non-trivial tricks in computational imaging and large-scale finite-element simulations. We will use a real field data set to illustrate the practical implementation of the proposed workflow.

Speaker Biography: Dr. Stanislav Glubokovskikh, Energy Geosciences Division (EGD), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Dr. Stanislav Glubokovskikh is a Research Earth Scientist at the Energy Geosciences Division (EGD) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Prior to the Berkeley Lab, he was working as a Senior Research Fellow at Curtin University (Perth, Australia) and a number of research institutions in Russia. Dr. Glubokovskikh’s contribution to the field of seismic reservoir characterization and rock physics has been recognized by several awards from the geophysical professional societies. He also serves as an associate editor for rock physics section at GEOPHYSICS. Right now, Dr. Glubokovskikh focuses on the development of novel algorithms for streamline processing/interpretation of geophysical and engineering measurements to optimize the subsurface operations, such as: hydraulic fracturing, geothermal reservoir stimulation, injection of carbon dioxide, and well completion. A completely different research topic has to do with the digital rock physics workflows for rock physics diagnostic of the reservoir rocks.

**Access information will be sent to all registrants after registration closes.

Price List:

Pre-Registered Late/Walk-Up

In Person or Virtual

Free Free
In Person or Virtual
$10 $10

** Please be aware that ALL registrations must go through the 'Checkout', even if your total is zero. Registration is not confirmed until you complete the checkout process.



10/4/2023 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Central Daylight Time

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